Are you interested in learning how to replace the color in Photoshop quickly and easily?
In this quick tutorial, we will guide you through the simple steps needed for replacing colors with the Color Replacement Tool available in many versions of Adobe Photoshop. You’ll gain a much better understanding of how to use this powerful editing tool and unlock your creative potential.
Whether you’re new to photo editing or simply want a refresher on using the color replacement feature, rest assured that by following these instructions you can become an expert at changing colors with Photoshop.
Tutorial Details
Difficulty: Beginner
Apps Used: Adobe Photoshop
Estimated Completion Time: 5-10′ Minutes
Resources: Socks image by D. Sharon Pruitt
1. Open the Image
First, open the image you want to edit in Photoshop.
2. Replace the color
To replace the color of the socks first change the foreground color with your desired color. Pick the Color Replacement Tool (B) in your toolbar and paint over the socks.
Blend Modes
Hue: The hue mode will change only the base color and nothing else.
Saturation: The saturation changes only the saturation. You can reduce the intensity of a color.
Color: The default color mode will change both hue and saturation.
Luminosity: This blend mode will change the brightness similar to your new color.
Tolerance determines the differences between the original color sample. The color is not the same everywhere and usually, the edges have a stronger color. Increase the tolerance to replace colors over edges.
Now that you know how to use the color replacement tool in Photoshop, go ahead and experiment with different colors and images. See what kind of interesting results you can come up with. And who knows, maybe you’ll discover a new favourite way to replace color in your photos.
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